The colder the temperature, the worse the situation? Not really.
Last Thursday night, it started raining. The temperature was at about freezing. Wind was blowing. It rained for the whole night, it wasn't pretty but I didn't know it was that bad. I went to bed at about midnight as I was planning to wake up at 5ish and be at my cube at 6ish. As I was pretty sleep deprived for the last few days, I pretty much slept through the night. Even though the rain got even heavier and all (according to my colleagues). So, the next morning, it was still raining rather heavily and everything was just like normal, until I started driving. I saw many tree branches on the road, and one fell right in front of me as I was driving to work. I didn't react in time, and drove over the rather huge bunch of branches. Then, farther down the road, it got worse, a huge tree limb block the entire road and I needed to turn around. And, in December, it's still pitch black at 6.20am.
So, I used an alternative route, thinking that I need to avoid all the smaller roads at all costs. So, big road I chose. And, still some tree limbs managed to block 2 of the 4 lanes, and well, fortunately it was still early, else, the traffic problem could be much worse. So, that's the eventful drive. On my way to work, I saw many fallen trees and all.
When it started to get brighter, it was actually quite a sight, as all the trees are 'frozen', covered by a thin layer of ice. Yup. Ice, not snow. That's why it's so heavy on the tree limbs that so many branches gave in and fell.
Many power lines were down, and consequently, some phone lines and cables... To read more, check out this news article. The street in the third picture was taken just few minutes away from my apartment.
So, Friday after work, I went to the bar with my buddies from work. Went to Armsby Abbey, for a good pint. Well, quite a few actually. So, they just tapped some specialty Christmas Belgian Ales, and those stuff are rich, and potent. 3 of them were 10+ % alcohol, and another, unknown as it was aged for 2 years. I had 4 of them and wow. Quite a night.
Yesterday, I went to do some Christmas shopping, and not too bad. I managed to control myself from spending too much on myself.
Last Thursday night, it started raining. The temperature was at about freezing. Wind was blowing. It rained for the whole night, it wasn't pretty but I didn't know it was that bad. I went to bed at about midnight as I was planning to wake up at 5ish and be at my cube at 6ish. As I was pretty sleep deprived for the last few days, I pretty much slept through the night. Even though the rain got even heavier and all (according to my colleagues). So, the next morning, it was still raining rather heavily and everything was just like normal, until I started driving. I saw many tree branches on the road, and one fell right in front of me as I was driving to work. I didn't react in time, and drove over the rather huge bunch of branches. Then, farther down the road, it got worse, a huge tree limb block the entire road and I needed to turn around. And, in December, it's still pitch black at 6.20am.
So, I used an alternative route, thinking that I need to avoid all the smaller roads at all costs. So, big road I chose. And, still some tree limbs managed to block 2 of the 4 lanes, and well, fortunately it was still early, else, the traffic problem could be much worse. So, that's the eventful drive. On my way to work, I saw many fallen trees and all.
When it started to get brighter, it was actually quite a sight, as all the trees are 'frozen', covered by a thin layer of ice. Yup. Ice, not snow. That's why it's so heavy on the tree limbs that so many branches gave in and fell.
Many power lines were down, and consequently, some phone lines and cables... To read more, check out this news article. The street in the third picture was taken just few minutes away from my apartment.
So, Friday after work, I went to the bar with my buddies from work. Went to Armsby Abbey, for a good pint. Well, quite a few actually. So, they just tapped some specialty Christmas Belgian Ales, and those stuff are rich, and potent. 3 of them were 10+ % alcohol, and another, unknown as it was aged for 2 years. I had 4 of them and wow. Quite a night.
Yesterday, I went to do some Christmas shopping, and not too bad. I managed to control myself from spending too much on myself.
Labels: armsby abbey, branches, drinking, fallen trees, frozen, winter