ouch.... headache... try to imagine ur essay, being read by 18 ppl and all of them gave u whole lot of ideas to improve on it... for a amatuer (maybe not even) writer, i'm really really intimidated by their constructive ideas and critiques....what am i gonna do.... why not this, why not that,,, wait a min, this is not a bad idea.... and hey hey.... how about this one.... and also that one... and every single one... and i'm doomed.... wow.... what am i gonna do.....
there are 18 copies of reviews.... and it is like..... WOW.... i'm just severely overstuffed with ideas and my brain goes...... OVERLOADED.... and BLANK....and TRANSMISSION ERROR.....and SYSTEM MALFUNCTION....that's basically my current status... any word to describe such situation.... hmm...
South East Asia Cultural Exhibition

nvm.... but today is definitely a good day... becoz of the South East Asia Cultural Exhibition... what is great is how this project shows that we, Malaysian, really cares about our country... and there are many other things on top of study... and study alone should not be our only priority... come on, u can't study all the time... and our world is much bigger than revolving around study only....so, what's wrong with those people who didn't turn up... i'm not mad or anything, just that i'm curious...
i really pity the country, where it has like 300+ students in Michigan, but not even one of them turn up to promote their culture, and their country....Aren't they proud of their own country... Aren't they are the one who insist that they have their own culture... .and they are not carbon copy of Malaysia... Prove it then... But too bad, all i see is just a few pieces of cardboard, with few pieces of papers with some facts about the country, and hardly decorated.... BANG....that's all....
i'll put up some photos about our booth... and u will see that we are still proud of our country... Even though we are thousand miles away from home, we are still proud of our home country... and it still lies in our heart... we aren't any penumpang... we are a part of our country too...
MALAYSIA, TRULY ASIA..... damn.... this phrase is really catchy... and sticky too... it really stuck in my mind like forever....
Oh yar...today's is my mom's birthday too...Happy 52nd Birthday, Mom..."~Happy Birthday to you , Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Mummy....Happy Birthday to you!!!!! ~"